Balancing Act: Why Single Parents Need Therapy

No cape needed — just a single mom and her sidekick.

As a single momma myself, trust me when I say, We’re built differently than most people; which means when life knocks us down-we get back up stronger. Therapy allows me to see that. -Elizabeth Boudreau, Founder

Being a single mom is a tough job. It’s hard to balance all the responsibilities of parenthood, personal life and work. Sometimes it can be too much, making you feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained. The hardest part about it all is that most times we feel like we have to face these challenges alone. I want to let you know that as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist-Associate, there are people out here that care and want to help you overcome these obstacles.

The Emotions are Heavy

Being a mom in general can come with an overwhelming amount of emotions. However, being a single mother brings its own set of emotional burdens. You may find yourself feeling lonely at times; unsupported, or even doubting your ability to be a good parent. These feelings aren’t uncommon, but they definitely shouldn’t go unnoticed. With therapy, you can express those emotions without judgment while working towards finding healthy coping mechanisms through guidance from your therapist.

How Can I Balance Multiple Roles :

Single mothers take on all the roles that come with regular motherhood, but add doing housework, providing financially for their children, and more? This constant multitasking can leave someone feeling not only physically drained, but mentally depleted as well. In therapy, we will focus on developing time management skills, setting realistic expectations, and practicing self-care in order to give you some type of relief or peace of mind throughout this hectic process.

Don't Forget About Mental Health:

When was the last time you took care of your mental health? Eventually, it’ll catch up to you if not prioritized correctly. There are many things that could cause someone stress when raising children by themselves, including anxiety, depression, or unresolved trauma, just to name a few.. Rest assured knowing that there isn't anything wrong with needing therapy for support with any underlying mental health problems . A licensed therapist will help guide you through healing processes by giving advice on different coping mechanisms in hopes of giving you strength to tackle future problems.

Build a Support Network:

Have you ever felt like nobody understands what you’re going through? I’m sure we all have at some point. Therapy is an amazing place to start building a strong support network. Meeting with a compassionate therapist will introduce you to someone who genuinely cares about your well-being and what it takes for you to become your best self. On top of that, therapists can also connect you with support groups, community resources, and other single parents that may provide guidance and the sense of belonging that you’ve been longing for.

If you’re a single mom who needs help, please know that there are people out here willing to listen and guide you through this process. Seeking therapy is extremely powerful because it shows others around you how committed you are to caring for not only yourself but your child(ren) as well.

I am currently accepting new clients . Please reach out today if I could be the one to assist in turning the challenges of single parenthood into strength and resilience.


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